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now generation

People who want instant gratiifcation

Despite the fact that we have known what works best for a while, some people in the now generation are proving to be a very bad influence.

by The Return of Light Joker December 22, 2010

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General Patton

To jump someone for being a pussy

when jimmy didnt want to ride the rollercoaser we all General Pattoned his ass.

by abdgwenga July 21, 2010

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general gerried

When you decide to rant on something that pisses you off, in general in an online video. Or you rant about it on social media; while properly citing your sources by the facts; ocassionally calling out other people's bullshit. All while increasing viewership and subscribers without breaking a sweat.

Did you see the video posted by Tasha K?

Man, she general gerried the hell out of that R Kelly interview and got tons of views and subscribers.

by FYWC April 11, 2019

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Big general

Most generals are named cameron meaning they are the boss of everything and anyone

salute to him katy he is the big general

by 556hit his head March 23, 2021

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Lollipop General

The General of all Lollipops. One who deals with all lollipops, the creator, I guess you could say. He brings harm to all nonbelievers.

Guy 1: Hey, man, what happened to you yesterday? You were gone all of a sudden and we couldn't find you!

Guy 2: Sorry, I was abducted by the Lollipop General! *shivers* I will never deny my faith ever again!

by LollipopGeneral123 February 6, 2011

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general grievous

1. the dumbest thing i have ever seen
2. destroyer of all hope that "revenge of the sith" might not be terrible.

1. oh my god why does it have four arms and use four lightsabers this is absurd
2. there goes all my hope that 'revenge of the sith' won't be terrible.

by ivan April 3, 2005

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Generation X

People that completed high school at any time between 1989 and 1996. Stragglers have been identified through the class of 2000, but were the minority of their graduating class. In its heyday, Generation X boasted some high numbers. MTV was a haven for Gen-Xers, and has been described as, "the only TV channel that didn't care just as much as you." Gen-Xers can come in a variety. Light Xers are usually just into the music and don't really look the part. Medium Xers were way into the music, and could be easily identified. Heavy Xers were about nothing but the music, and took the lifestyle to it's limits. Major Xers are identifiable even today; they usually wear clothes they didn't buy or are older than they are, tend to talk slowly, and feel more at home in a dark room. Grunge permeated in this time period, and it fit the bill.

Very characterized by music.

Light X: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, other major radio bands
Mid-X: All of the above, Monster Magnet, Kyuss, other bands that started small and "got big."
Heavy X: All of the above, Fu Manchu, Soul Coughing, other bands that stayed small but got major underground movement.
Major X: All of the above, The Atomic Bitchwax, Desert Sessions, bands that remained underground or even "indie."

Generation Xers were complete stoners. Most clean up, but some don't. If someone claims to be GenX but doesn't/didn't do drugs, they are liars.

GenX was a great place to be a part of. The world had it's troubles, but they just didn't care enough to do anything about it. It's okay because they still had the support of the people who did do the activism. True harmony.

Generation X was followed by a major culture change, then culture shock, then was followed with Generation Y. Generation Y is still in existance as of today 1/5/06, but will probably peter out as the year progresses.

Generation X started in '89, climaxed in '94, fell out of place in '97, and died out in '00.

by Bozenda January 5, 2006

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