A name for all the babies made in celebration of removal of the Fanta Facist from office and the election of Joe Biden.
Boomers who? I'm one of them Biden Babies. (2038 probably)
The definition of a sexy man named Aaron rios
Have you seen pablo baby so far
Half the size of a normal bong (little sized bong)
I'm real feeling it now I'm only going have a baby bong
A protruding stomach caused by eating a large quantity of food and supposedly resembling that of a woman in the early stages of pregnancy.
A very small bump was visible in the tight frock, although it could easily have been mistaken for a food baby.
The creation of something in your stomach that makes a lot of growling noises and is waiting to leave your body via a good dump.
What's that sound? Oh that's just my food baby begging to go to the pool.
A term used by people that refuse to use the word fat when describing their self
"I'm not fat I have a food baby"
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(Adjective + Noun)Baby Bitch : A low self-esteem loser who avoids confrontation, whines frequently, and gossips about others is a baby bitch.
Example: A baby bitch is someone who flames/cries at someone after ignoring them, the baby bitch typically than goes and cries about it to others to commiserate and feel better about them self. (This kind of aversion to confrontation combined with a whiny attitude and a gossipy nature is what constitutes a baby bitch).
The baby bitch rage quit the server and went and cried about it incessantly to anyone who would listen, what a drama queen.