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You hella gay

by mozz gaming December 12, 2021


Being attracted to someone of the same gender and feeling no attraction to the opposite (I may be the only one who has written happy)

Person 1-Bro I'm gay
Person 2-Oh that's cool
Bully 1- Eww does that mean you like me 🤢
Person 2- No you fucking homophobe

by Spoiceman August 16, 2023


Yeeto in my discord call

Yeeto is so gay lol

by GD goofy April 18, 2021


Your mum

Your mum gay

by Boogereater69 April 11, 2021


Usually used as an insult by fucking stupid pieces of shit usually by homophobic assholes

Blake You want a hug

Sean No that's gay

by Boogereater69 January 15, 2021


• Gays are usually known as Kathryn’s

• Gays will most likely play drum line in the band

• gays have to force themselves to go to hoco

Kathryn’s do gay, she has to force her self to go to hoco

by Gay_kathryn September 30, 2019


describing a man who feels compterable sucking his own dick and saying it tasted like chicken.

Also someone who watches guy porn.

Girl: I love u
Guy: But..uh
Girl: What
Guy: Im gay bitch. fuck off

by ThE UrBAN dicKtionary. yyyyyyy May 7, 2019