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Addi D

Addi is for sure the cutest girl you will ever meet. She is super adorable and will always find a way to make you smile. She has the ability to make any guy fall in love at first sight. She has cute dimples and stunning eyes.

You see that girl over there? She's so cute... must be an Addi D

by Idonteatketchupwithpotatoes July 20, 2021


Down To Ass Penetration

A common phrase passed around college parties as a ice breaker. Women are typically honored to be asked. Similar to DTF.

Tom: Aaron, are you down to D-TAP?
Aaron: Yes, no homo.

by Paradeaz January 25, 2010

The Five D's

1. Deformed
2. Deranged
3. Dysfunctional
4. Defective
5. Demented

Someone who is ratchet is probably all of The Five D's

by Spencer Ace December 12, 2014


female version of a douchebag or d-bag. jerk, bitch, lowest of the low.

"wow, she's a real d-baguette"

"gabi and sofia are too amazing to be d-baguettes"

by gabi & sof May 24, 2009


Someone who is walking slowly in front of you, forcing you to slow your pace and try to get around them. The D-Brake often incorporates a side to side motion into their walk, making a successful pass difficult.

Short for douche-break.

Sorry I'm twenty minutes late, I got stuck behind d-brake after d-brake in Chinatown and eventually just had to start shoving people aside.

by PawlPawka April 24, 2011


The act of anal sex

D-Butt stands for,Dick in the butt.

I am going to give you some D-Butt.

by Koala princess December 3, 2015


Fuck Off Eat Shit & Die

Just go FOES&D

by AMANDAOX June 5, 2009