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Gorilla's close relative

We all know gorilla and black have genetic connection. There is an interesting thing that gorilla and black have a close relative called Maori. Maori may not look that black, and they even know how to use simple tools; like apemen. There is a scientific evidence shows that Gorilla may be Maori's ancestor.

A Maori History teacher asking students: "Who are our ancestors". Students reply in chorus, "Gorillas"

"Yes, we're gorilla's close relative"

by Did I say fuck you today? March 10, 2009

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Florida Silverback Gorilla

The mind set of the elderly population in Florida age ranging from 45+, usually Republican, snowbird, transplant, or retiree , typically originating from New York to Ohio region of US conus, also foreign immigrants: predominantly from UK or Canada. Also known as: White-top. Terrible drivers,

Here are a few examples of a typically Florida Silverback Gorilla:
They're involved in several organizations just to have a place to go
They honestly believe the world's here to serve them - because they're retired
Overly qualified for every any job position

yet physically unable to actually be productive at anything anymore
known to work for mere social recognition
Unable to let go of their endless boring stories about life
Most drunk by 11am after a game of bocci ball
They frequent secluded Bingo sessions.
Over tanned, caked make-up, multiple plastic surgeries
White Porcelain verniers (Or dentures)

by DoU?_7_8_9? Hehehe June 21, 2015

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Check Boy Gorilla

A group of young savages that’s willing to go to war with anybody. Those guys are rich and are from orange texas.

Those check boy gorillas are getting a lot of money

by Juggernots January 22, 2021

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Ultra Mega Gorilla Ripped

Being so high, that you cannot move, speak, think or process anything that is going on. Gorilla meaning big or maximum.

Dude that blunt was so dank, I'm ultra mega gorilla ripped.

by Brandon, Beau, Oscar, Tyler June 19, 2008

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suck the nuts off a gorilla

This describes someone who has great oral sex suction.

That Wonda Wonderpig could suck the nuts off a gorilla!

by I, Wreckerrr February 22, 2017

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Chinese Gorilla Eating Dog

Yum yum yum, Chinese gorillas eat dog

Man you look like a Chinese Gorilla eating dog!

by you are mega homo August 2, 2019

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Don't Show the Whole Gorilla

In music, the Phrase "Don't show the whole gorilla" means to avoid giving full volume in any crescendos untill the song's climax, thus "hiding the gorilla". The phrase comes from king kong, in which the audience is teased and hinted at to what is behind the curtain when kong is captured.

Band Director:On this next run-through, use your phrasing and dynamics well, but Don't Show the Whole Gorilla untill measure 74.

by MExibone January 18, 2011