Anu is a really sweet girl who loves to make friends. they LOVE dabi and will ALWAYS LOVE dabi :)
Ex : ayo Anu is reading the fifth yandere dabi fic this day ;-;
A gorgeous, smiling smart girl. A girl who can be sweet either extremely bold with her friends or shy when around her crush. Dont push her around. Shes braver than you think. Get to know her shes kinda awesome. She has a huge heart and a vivid and wild imagination. Usually brunette or blond. Irish name. You meet her be her friend. People she adores bring out the best in her. She may be extremely pretty but thinks she is ugly. Tell her the truth and be real around her. Shes awesome. She is special.
Anu is gorgeous woman.
Her name is pronounced anno.
A woman with great determination and knowledge. She will help you out, even when you don’t deserve it, because she is a genuinely good and loving person. She is a proud Finnish woman with lots of sisu in her. She never gives up. She is a rare combination of a traditional mothering woman, a modern self-made woman and a beauty with goddess looks!
- Who’s that? She’s inspiring, I want to be like her!
- It must be Anu!
She feels a lot insecure about herself ,but she's damn strong, she just have to learn how to express it .
"Hey dude I tried to bully anu today"
"What happened ?"
"She kicked me in my balls":○
"Whoa that is neat AF"
The most calm person ever to exist! She will listen to you when the world has earmuffs on. She's caring and mother like. When people are mostly depressed they come to Anu to seek peace. If you're impatient she knows how to fix you!
You need help? Ask wanna learn about that thing you don't even remember at all ...ask Anu bruhh she knows it and has it glued to her memory!
Oh you need advice on this? Here, talk to Anu!