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English Tosser

An arrogant wanker from England is an English Tosser

An arrogant wanker from England is an English Tosser

by Big Willie Wallace February 16, 2020


Similarly to engrish, is a word used to describe incorrect/bad use of grammar or command of the english language

I full failed that english exam!my englishness was awful

by goofygoober009 October 25, 2012


when you say something relating to the English Language in a smart manner

"Look at us with our Englishness" "Wow that was some great Englishness"

by englishness May 17, 2021

Check English Light

Where you trip over your words or cannot make a complete sentence; may sound like gibberish when trying to say a true sentence. Might jumble sounds together to try to correct your brain to speech process.

"Their bog won't stop darking." (Their dog won't stop barking)

"You underment what I stood" (You understood what I was trying to say)

"I wasspluh something, words and stuff. My Check English Light turned on"

by Izzybaby1312 July 28, 2021

read it in english

What your Calculus teacher says before an evaluation, typically to indicate difficult wording of a word problem or just to tell their students not to be dumb in a subtle way. Usually said with a disappointed-i'm-praying-for-you look. Also commonly paired with "read it in full" or "read it twice".

Calc teacher: Related rates is not hard, just read the problem in full and read it in english
Student: *Crying*
Calc teacher: Not my problem if you didn't do the homework

by concept not format November 30, 2019

English Cock

The term used when one has a small erect penis.

Wow! I did not know you had an english cock.

by C/s/w July 14, 2018

Country English

Proper Grammar used in the south aka Slang

I speak that Country English in Florida

by CashmereJ December 21, 2018