Source Code

CATIA eyes

The perception that one has the ability to accurately measure lengths or angles without using a measurement device. Individuals possessing this talent also report dimensions as fact – as if they had used a calibrated mechanism, when in fact they only recklessly approximated it with their eyes.

CATIA is an acronym for Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application - a commonly used CAD/CAM software package for product design.

Rick (on the phone): “Danielle! There’s an interference between the widget and the doodad! The doodad’s impaling the widget by 15.2 mm! You need to fix it before your name’s added to the list!”

Danielle (mutes the phone and says to Tom): “Yeah, right, it’s probably only 2 mm; he’s using his CATIA eyes again!”

by EtoileRouge October 20, 2005

19👍 5👎

round eye

What a chopstick Chan would call a cheese-eating charlie.

Hey ROUNDEYE! you wanna sum chickity china the chinese chicken?

by Wil CRaig July 16, 2003

179👍 77👎

eye candy

Women that are HOT and you can't take you eyes off of them. Like a kid in a candy store.

I was at the beach yesterday and there was a lot of eye candy there.

by Anonymous July 26, 2002

859👍 420👎

Boodoo Eye

The look in someones eye when they are so drunk they dont know whats going on

I'm strait boodoo eyed

by luckystiff27 October 6, 2006

17👍 4👎

Ghost Eye

After a lack of sleep for several days shadows and figures can been seen from the corner of your eye but when you look there is nothing there.

"I swear I just saw something move from the corner of my eye, but theres nothing here"

"Probably just ghost eye, get some sleep dude."

by TheRealMeatClown September 9, 2009

16👍 4👎


When you are checking someone of interest out, pretty much undressing them with your mind and thinking about what it would be like ot fuck them. You're essentially fucking them with you're eyes.

Dude, that chick is totally eye-fucking me!
There's no one eye-fucking you.

by daniyg October 26, 2005

328👍 154👎

football eyes

to be cross-eyed,
comes from football games with two legs, one home and one away

did you see that guys football eyes?
yeah, i didnt know if he was looking at me, my pint, my bird or all three

by chadwic(K) April 7, 2008

21👍 6👎