Along the order of a "Belch Wash", "Fart Wash" is the unpleasant odor product of flatulance in the proximity of another person who unknowingly and unavoidably walks through it, smells the sour contents of the belcher's lower intestines and has a negative reaction.
I had been thinking to myself; “Oh Lord! There’s something not right in me”. Between last night’s rich dinner of Halibut & Scotch, the three spicy Bloody Mary’s & beer backers that I drank at brunch with that huge omelet, bacon and hash browns, my ass is on fire. As we walked away from the table, I cautiously expelled a long silent searing hot fart; I still can not believe I did not shit myself! An unsuspecting family of eager diners walking to their seats passed right through my Fart Wash; their facial expressions were priceless. Probably lost their appetite! Nicely played sir!
A small fart that’s just a preview of the lager main fart to come.
“The demo fart is warning to everyone in the blast radius to evacuate.”
A "Carload of Farts" is when you constantly are ripping ass in a car. Hence having a "Carload of Farts," your car is filled with farts.
Ted Pillman sings the classic song "Carload of Farts"
"Hey dude Adam's car smelled like ass man." - Tom
Yeah dude he's always got a carload of farts" - Steve
The sound made by placing your palm over your eye socket and causing a vacume to occour so that when you depress your hand a fart noise is admitted as the air escapes, particularly suited to people with deep set eyes and prominent brows.
A fart that seems to ask a question. As in, who, what, how, or even sometimes really? This is referred to as an interrogative fart.
Hamilton farted and it said "who". I turned to him in confusion and said dude, did your fart just say "who"? He said, indeed. I said holy shit, that was an interrogative fart.
When someone is so hyper they just can not stop fidgeting.... As in a child who is an energizer bunny....
They are jumping around like a fart in a skillet!
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The specific low 'parrp' or 'squelch' created when air is trapped between two sweaty naked bodies and forced to escape.
The most common area for these emissions is from between the two participants bellies as they undulate. Not to be confused with a fanny fart or common raspberry.
“Did you just guff on my balls dear?”
“Certainly not darling! ...It must have been a love fart”
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