Source Code

We Don’t Know: The Game

We Don’t Know: The Game is a upgraded form of Calvinball.

You HAVE to lose, no matter what or why.

1 player must go over to a checkerboard and move the rook without his/her hands. The other must move a rock to a circle on the ground. If the rock reaches the circle and cracks before player 1 finishes, he loses 3 points. Player 2 climbs a tree and says a letter and a number. If the rook is on that spot. Player 1 runs into the tree while yelling “KING ME!” If he knocks the bubble rod down, he wins. (And remember: he must lose the game.) But if it is Tuesday, he loses.

Complicated, right?

Insert We Don’t Know: The Game being played here.

by Plasmus October 12, 2018

I know your Secret


Levi: I know your secret

Atang; HUH

by unkownnigga10 February 16, 2022

Tell me you know

A Desperate way to ask if someone knows something.

Tell me you know how to tie your shoes


by rock musika September 3, 2021

i know you by heart

I know you ! (VERY WELL)

- I know you love Hannah !!!
- No I don't ..
- Oh stop I know you by heart ! You can't lie to me 😂

by Pascal cœur October 21, 2017

i just know, okay

How to explain away a lack of evidence or facts to back up the shit you are spouting.

Simon: that new girl would definitely rather fuck me than you.
Dan: what's that based on then?
Simon: I just know, okay

by mattpacer May 15, 2016

You know who's beautiful

well don't bother reading the first word again

it's Shrek you peasant

You know who's beautiful not the first word in the sentence

by Oliver stop going on this site December 15, 2020

i don't even know

i don't even know

human 1:where is you're mom?

human:i don't even know

by achoman/powdahoo/hrman February 12, 2022