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look me out

To do a favor for someone; help them out in a situation

Ilyas: Are you going to be late for work today?
Eric: Yeah man, look me out and tell the boss my car broke down

by Kabooooooommmmmm February 22, 2017

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Dead to me look

a stare that implies the person he or she is looking at is dead to them

She is giving me the β€œDead to me look” it breaks my heart to know she felt about me.

by Sudden Excrement May 18, 2019

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Serving looks

A slang term used when someone does not actually look good

Wow Jessica you are really serving looks today!

by Serving truths August 10, 2016

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Gucci Look of the Week

You're walking around your hood or the mall, basically anywhere in public, minding your own business, when...


Some hoodrat walks by in the most unappealing outfit you've ever seen, violently raping your eyes.

It is ungodly tight, usually neon in color and often emblazoned with a raging fuckfest of logos.

And....she thinks she looks bangin. Sometimes she will even believe that she looks highclass.

"Ooh look at that yellow jumpsuit! Girrrrrrrrl that's da Gucci Look of the Week!"

Many Examples of this epidemic can be seen on peopleofwalmart.com

by Nikki from the LBC April 23, 2011

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HATE-anger look

A fierce angry facial expression that someone gives you, which puts you under the impression that they're gonna turn into a MONSTER & violently attack you. Most times parents give their kids this look when the kid has done something wrong, & the parent looks @ the kid like he/she wants the rip the kid's heart out. Or they might even give the kid this look when the kid interrupted them while talking on the phone.

Ta-Ta gave me the HATE-anger look when I accidentally spilled red soda on her fresh new white sneakers.

by Candy Grandpre May 18, 2008

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look at the fleas on fluffy

a phrase meaning look at that girls tits; phrase usually used when a girl with big or nice tits walks by

dans girlfriend walks by
dans friend Joe speaks out
Joe: Got Damn look at the fleas on fluffy, dan.

by G Hock November 22, 2004

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Two Tugs and a Look

A discreet way in which a teacher, lecturer, or faculty member can express his desire for a student.

The action is as follows:
First fake an itchy crotch. Give a few credible scratches so that if you are later caught in the act you can say you were merely scratching yourself.

Then, after attracting the student's attention, tug twice on your penis. (N.B. It's important to keep the genitals inside the pants as removing them could attract attention.)

After tugging twice make sustained eye contact and give an inviting look. This should be accomplished by raising the eyebrows while simultaneously tilting the head back.

Monroe: Mr. Stevens is at it again.

Stu Dent: What, is he hitting on you again?

Monroe: Yeah, I looked over at him during the test just long enough to see him give me the old Two Tugs and a Look

Stu Dent: I thought Mr. Stevens just had itchy balls.

by tom.pura_vida May 3, 2009

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