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Irene is the definition of Silly :3

by Silly:3 November 23, 2023


How pussycats are 24/7

Pussycats are silly

by Catbeans October 6, 2022


Silly is the best and ONLY word to ever exist in the entirety of ever..it is very versatile and can be used in anyway as long as u specify how its being used. Sillier doesn't apply here, use silly-er instead

"I love you silly (lying)"
"You're silly (derogatory)"
"I'd never cheat on you silly (has slept with 20 different men)"
"You're my silly bestie (platonic soulmates)"

by marzielol September 5, 2022


To be extremely horny for your partner and want to hear them moan.

Person 1- I'm feeling silly...
Person 2- sex?
*makes out aggressively*

by Jazzerisrad December 28, 2022


Making an incredible careless mistake on a math test

Person 1: Did you hear how that guy got 1+1 wrong on the math test?
Person 2: I know, what a silly!

by finepuresoda January 19, 2025


a feeling in which you are giggly, nervous, excited, and happy

I feel so silly right now!

by arlou March 23, 2023


When someone is doing something out of pocket but is compared to it being innocent. You can also refer to someone as "silly" if they are just being goofy. This definition of the word is mainly used in TikTok, being associated with "Silly" images of cats.

"I can act rather silly at times"
"I got too silly"
"Bro's silly"

by astronoveee June 26, 2023