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Country Fuckboy

Talks the talk and but doesn't walk the walk and their boots have never seen dirt. Got that typical curly ass hair sticking out of their flat brimmed cap, and will wear a vest over a sweatshirt, usually lots of carhartt.

Boasts about how good of a driver they are for whatever reason, but drives some subaru or toyota (not even a truck, and not more than 10 years old).

Has never worked any sort of blue collar occupation and is unable to drive a stick shift, but will continue to say they can and choose not to.

Has driven out of the city once in the last month.

Takes their car into a shop for oil changes.

Can't stand old country music.

Somewhere between 16 and 19 years old.
Pretty much your average fuckboy but dresses differently.

Guy 1: Look at this kid over here, shiny ass unscuffed boots, jeans with pre-torn holes.
Guy 2: Dude, that's what you call a country fuckboy.

by Fat chihuahua December 26, 2022

fuckboi savage

A badass motherfucker

Jordan is a fuckboi savage cuzzo

by Riellelelwahayyw October 24, 2017

Manic Pixie Fuckboy

Manic Pixie Fuckboy is a subcategory of Manic Pixie Dream Boy. While a Manic Pixie Dream Boy is a trope that derives from Y/N Wattpad fanfiction and Korean dramas, where the male love interest is a seemingly perfect, albeit pretty empty projection of protagonist's wants and fantasies (see Himbo), used to further the protagonist's story, a Manic Pixie Fuckboy is a more complex ans flawed character. A Manic Pixie Fuckboy on the other hand is elusive, almost Byronic in nature, but possesses an other-worldly and effervescent character that is hard to pinpoint. One of the characters that best embodies this is Felix from Saltburn, played by Jacob Elordi.

Felix is such a Manic Pixie Fuckboy, did you see how he has everybody wrapped around his finger?

by MikeyC13 December 23, 2023

half fuckboy

A dude that gets helle hoes but don't fucks with any of them because they got some Jesus inside of them

Why does john not date Brittany I know she a hoe and everything but she cute .its because he's a half fuckboy.

by Finesseyourbitch February 2, 2017

Fuckboy McGee

A person who is very nice and friendly

eg. Trump

Alice: Man he's such a fuckboy mcgee!

by tigidytyga January 22, 2022

Barangay Fuckboy

A Filipino teenager who engages in barangay fuckboy activities such as: Vaping, having a black name usually, buying shitty phones from brands like Redmi/Huawei, and plays basketball, and maybe poor dental care.

Yoo Ian reminds me of those barangay fuckboys, haha. Did you see his teeth?

by .38 Special, Education May 25, 2024

proverbial fuckboy

Pierre Gasly

‘Did you see the proverbial fuckboy of the f1 grid
‘Yes he looked so hot’

by Pierregaslyfan December 19, 2023