The best acid chemistry teacher. He will burn you if you don't know the acids.
OP is chemistry god.
Example: OP will kill me because i don't know the acids.
If OP catches you cheating in a test, you will get punished with 2 1s (F) marks and he will ask you something that you didn't ever do in class so you will get another 1 (F)...
OP is always waching (sometimes he gets to your house at 3 am and asks you the acids).
Abbreviation of "overpowered". An item or ability a video game that possesses extremely good statistics and is the superior choice among other similar options that do not perform as well. Usually shortened to "OP" in chatspeak or slang.
"Dude, the super shotgun in Doom is so OP in short-range attacks!"
Superman is OP because his strength is determined (heightened) by his opponent.
His sex game is op. His sex game is on point.
1. Overpowered
2. link Original Poster : The one who begins the chosen thread in this specific forum.
1. Demons ar OP during this game, nerf them please!
2. The OP is wrong, what we'd like to try to to is offer birds a buff instead.
please visit my website =
OP is short for overpower/overpowered/overpowering
*gets killed* That person is so OP!