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Dani California

A song from the album, "Stadium Arcadium" created by the band,"The Red Hot Chili Peppers".

If you listen to this song and then go listen to Tom Petty's "Mary Jane's Last Dance" you'll see that they sound quite similar to each other... Some people believe that the peppers stole this song from petty...

I listened to Dani California yesterday, and it sounded the same as Mary Jane's Last Dance!!!

by enrageddan August 4, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Smile

A useful technique to use against newbies and annoying people in which the offender's top jaw is placed on a sidewalk and crushed.

Carrot Top appeared in one too many AT&T ads, he needs a California Smile.

by Carve October 8, 2003

31๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Roll

Roll of fat that's squeezed out from under a tight bra.

Whoa, check out that girl, she's got a muffin top and a california roll.

by Dan604 May 23, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Cropduster

When your sexual partner is in the process of eating or licking your butt and you fart.

Dude 1: "That girl has a nice mouth."

Dude 2: "Yeah, I would give her a California Cropduster."

Dude 3: "You can run and tell that, homeboy."

by BigMeech(rickross) January 3, 2011

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California reject

These are people not of California that speak negative of Californians. These people hate California only because for some reason they feel there is something there they don't have.

Hey California reject get over it. The sun rises and sets with you too. There's land, water, people, rich, poor, happy, sad. Lets not forget Taxes.

by Not a reject August 13, 2011

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California Smoothie

A sexual act where the man pisses into the womans mouth, he shakes her boobs, then jizzes in her mouth, shakes again, then she spits it into his mouth, then they exchange the mixture by making out.

Houdini jizz boobs making out Cleaveland Steamer California Smoothie

by Thexactestimate January 6, 2010

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california pines

crazy mexican dude selling land in northern california

I went to california pines to buy some land. Wow you must drive 75 miles to find a store!

Crazy norte americanos East of interstate 5

by itichie_nocanpo September 20, 2006

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