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OCGD (Obsessive Compulsive Googling Disorder)

call it what you like: but it's working on stuff other than work during work hours (& thus causing work problems).

Looks like Larry has a case of OCGD (Obsessive Compulsive Googling Disorder) as he never get's any work done because he is too busy googling and searching all day long!

by OCD Boy (Chicago) December 14, 2009

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over actively smiling disorder (osd)

A rare genetic disorder Where a person smiles excessively and can,t stop smiling under their own will event under depressing simulations

over actively smiling disorder (osd)- symptoms include Person smiles a lot, laughs a lot, is always happy

by Muslim1 December 18, 2009

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delayed foreskin separation anxiety disorder

The realization that usually occurs around thirty-five, and most typically in men who have been circumsized (it's generally unheard of in women), that your foreskin is gone, it isn't coming back, and that you miss it. Complete mental breakdowns have been attributed to this disorder (which is found in the DSM-IV-R).

Biff: Doctor Rob, what am I gonna do? I miss it so much...It's just too hard to go on without it. Is there any way to help me? Can we maybe find it on the internet?

Doctor Rob: Somehow, Biff, i doubt your foreskin is living a successful and happy life in the suburbs of Cleveland. I'm sure it more likely found its way to the hospital incinerator shortly after you were born. You've got delayed foreskin separation anxiety disorder, and I'm prescribing Paxil and Diazapam. They should help you out.

by Blenderhead91 April 27, 2010

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BDWD (Brain Dead Work Disorder)

The manor in which ones brain ceases normal cerebral function in such form as a coma. Typically induced from repetitive remedial tasks in which the brain slowly shuts down for long periods of time.
Bleeding of the eye sockets
Uncontrolled urges to Punch, and hit.
Slow physical response.
Loss of speech and lack of saliva control

Dude, Smith is just sitting at his desk drooling and is not responding to anyone, He totaly has BDWD (Brain Dead Work Disorder)

by flynbrian January 13, 2009

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Facebook Social Distortion Disorder (FSDD)

A social disorder that makes it possible for your close family and friends to forget about you if u are not currently active on facebook. Sufferers will actually stop emailing and texting you if you're not constantly reminding them of your existance via facebook updates. If you don't exist on facebook, you don't exist to them at all.

I deleted my pics on facebook, and no one called me for a month! I didn't even get invited to my own class reunion. Wow, I didnt know the class of 2000 had Facebook Social Distortion Disorder (FSDD).

by smurfettish May 12, 2010

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General anxiety disorder etc

A natural occuring emotion built into humans for survival and awareness .

It's very normal to worry about EVERYTHING. It's more common than you think, nowadays used as the ultimate excuse to be a flakey friend , a liar, selfish and most importantly a total cynical cunt .
Common symptoms include not contacting anyone or going into hiding , then appearing out or nowhere when you want or need something of somebody

Selfishness and being cheeky are a all too common.

Alot of people I know have zero issues going up to strangers houses to buy weed / drugs or to party , but have a massive issue getting work or interacting with people outside their comfort zone.
Anxiety 'sufferers' should be kept we'll away from normal functioning people as they only ever bring them down to their level , often filling them with guilt because he / she hasn't been a good friend to them.
God help you if you need them.

I have general anxiety disorder, I will let you down everytime you will rely on me , I will not work nor reciprocate your kindness , well because I have general anxiety disorder you see, so I can't function.
I do however smoke loads of weed and drink copious amounts of drink, because that doenst effect me.
Working does however , or being relied, if I'm ever late for anything because of you it's a catastrophic event because you have zero regard for my illness.
If I make you wait or make youate however , it's funny.
Il often put hahahahahah at the end of everything in a text so it cushions the blow of my invetibale failures and let's downs.
It's called general anxiety disorder etc

by Boredofthebullshit November 9, 2021

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Post Kenyan Funk Disorder

the term given to the feeling of helplessness Republicans feel with President Obama in office.

The Dow is plummeting and I wish we could shake this Post Kenyan Funk Disorder.

by uzi_ March 16, 2009

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