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Is the most gorgeous girl in the world,if you feel low and want someone to cheer you up then definitely Hope would be the perfect person to that. She has the cutest smile and always wants to take care of everyone more especially the ones she loves the most.
If you have a Hope close to you,keep her or else you may lose her to many others.

Please get Hope a plate of food

by Mhbville November 25, 2021


Something people try to sell you.

Any time a business or medical office says we care, or that they sell hope, you wonder whether they would be as positive and optimistic, or provide as much optimism/morale boosting to others if they weren't making lots of money by saying those things. Wouldn't they be just as negative and self-serving as everyone else?

by Solid Mantis February 11, 2021


Something that people sell.

You wonder if there was no pandemic, and no money to be made off it, would the medical offices and food bank companies still really care as much as they claim to when they try to sell people hope, or would they be just as negative and self serving, and ugly inside as the rest of us, though their God they claim to believe in might not like us for it.

by Solid Mantis February 11, 2021


Hope is given by the weak, and it makes people weak.

People don't need hope to live.

by Solid Mantis September 17, 2020


She is a girl. Pretty cool, but does not wash hair... Freaks people out with her open toed shoes. Has a weird obsession with strangling pigs. If you can get past all of that, she also AIDS.

Never Forget. ?

Hey Hope, how can I afford corn?

by Ambler Rec Center October 5, 2022


Hope is this confident, sexy, gym shark who only goes out for insta pics and only goes on holidays for shot glasses. She enjoys intercourse with boys and such like.

One may say "Hope's some gymshark xo"

by RuchyU December 4, 2016


it isn't there

I have no hope in life

by .asseater247 August 1, 2019