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Eye Rape

The equivlent to checking someone out, staring and gazing at someone due to phermones. (Violating someone with your eyes)
-(inpired by Wedding Crashers the Movie)

"O my gosh, that guy/girl just eye raped the shit out of you."

"I think I should cover up, I think that person just eye raped me."

by Gin23 March 19, 2007

413๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž

emotionally raped

Emotionally raped is a person who feels absolutely violated, mistreated and abused in a non-physical contact manner. Its the improper treatment that stirs the soul into a breakdown mode.

To force someone in such a hostile manner by oral conversation to comply with what they want without considering the feelings or emotions of that person.

An overly emotional person who takes everything to heart.

I spoke with the electricity company and felt emotionally raped after the conversation they had with me. They spoke down to me in such a way that I felt they had emotionally raped me and even put that in my complaint.

The way he treated me on the phone I felt emotionally raped!

Stop it you fuck'n cunt! Your emotionally raping me!

by The Moody Poet August 6, 2006

257๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

pickle rape

An act of rape commited with a pickle

Please stop raping me with that pickle, pickle rape is illegal! oh god no, oh god!

by Mati May 10, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

rape dated

when a woman seduces a man that is too drunk to fight her off. As a result of the one night stand the woman then begins to think they're going steady and the man cannot break up with her.

Eryn rape dated Will, now he's screwed!

by rdrdtheta August 26, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

thesaurus rape

The use of "big" words in lieu of their "common" counterparts (often out of context) in a futile attempt to sound more intelligent. This technique is often used by liberal arts students when attempting to sound competent when talking about a subject that they have no clue about.

In a class room discussion about UrbanDictionary.com

Jill: Urban Dictionary's abominable nature not only proliferates the use of exiguous, diminutive, colloquial English, it actually bolsters and espouses it!

Jack: ya, and it gives us words like thesaurus rape to describe what you are doing!!

by dmangest August 17, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

phone rape

verb. the act of randomly touching stuff on the touchscreen of someone's phone so that in messes up whatever they were doing.

I was playing Angry Birds when suddenly James phone raped me and made me lose.

by bookwork696969 March 20, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

mental rape

When your mind it invaded and then rape by words or images. Most of the time mental rape occurs while visting 4chan.

Oh my god i've been mental raped. prolcamied man 1
You visited 4chan didn't you. asked man 2
yes. said man 1

by buenol33t August 8, 2006

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