a middle-aged white woman who drives an SUV and thinks her children are fucking legends at soccer
that soccer mom thinks her kid is fucking Ronaldo
A Soccer mom is a mother who believes that their child is an absolute legend at soccer when in reality they're shit
that soccer mom thinks her kid if fucking ronaldo
Soccer moms are usually wearing sweaters and have long hair. If they arent hunting for after school activities to ruin her children's afternoon, she is screaming at a poor gamespot empoloyee for giving her kids a copy of gta. They think their kids are angels, and tries to keep them innocent, and by that i mean she doesnt let them watch tv at night, play video games or go on the internet because its "Full of porn and porn is bad". And to top that, she makes "healthy food" that should be something like a homemade soup or some toast, but is actually a fucking disqusting version of a big mac which is actually EVEN MORE UNHEALTHY. Dont try to drive away cause they will get your car destroyed and they will complain for a scratch
Soccer moms have a tendency to act like spoiled teenagers, because thats where their hopes and dreams died
A person who usually has big hair cuts, Typically named lexi hale
That Girl is definitely a soccer mom
A term conceived in the 1996 election year to define a white, upper middle class, middle aged American mom who always makes her kids participate in way too much extracurricular bullshit, and often is an entitled karen, often seen cutting in line, blocking traffic and causing crashes, giving the ref a whole bunch of her bullshit, or being a racist prick. The soccer mom is and always has been hated by both Democrats and Republicans; Democrats hate them because they believe they voted for Bob Dole in ‘96, Bush in Y2K and ‘04, John McCain in 2008, Romney in ‘12, and the orange fat ass Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. Republicans hate them because they believe they voted for Bill Clinton in ‘96, Al Gore in Y2K, John Kerry in ‘04, Obama in ‘08 and ‘12, Hillary in 2016, and Biden in 2020.
She is also racist as fuck, does not let her kids hang out with anyone who is not 100% White, anyone who is not heterosexual, anyone who is not explicitly a Fundamentalist Christian because they are assumed to be automatically Satanic, this includes anyone who is nonaffiliated, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, and often extends to Christians of Catholic and Church of Jesus Christ denominations. She might also be a QAnon member.
Me: That fucking soccer mom threatened to call the police on me after I hit her because she was going a “safe” 30 in a 70, and was being racist towards me because I’m 1/8 Hispanic, and called me Satanic because I’m Catholic and not a fundie.
Friend: Damn bro typical soccer mom.
An annoying religious bitch who believes that Christianity is the answer to all of the world’s questions. Drives a luxury SUV to show other middle class families that she is better than them. Doesn’t let her kids play video games that aren’t rated E or watch movies that aren’t PG.
Guy 1: Man GTA V Online is soo fun bro!!
Guy 2: I know right! It’s a good way to release your anger and to build a multi million dollar criminal enterprise!
Soccer Mom: Hey GTA V is too violent! Go play Mario Party you fucking terrorists.
Guy 1: Lol, typical Soccer mom!
Guy 2: Agreed!