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A term used to refer to people that are currently in their feelings, most notably through their failure in achieving any romantic success or just dwelling in their past relationships

Friend 1: Yo, you good, why yo look so damn depressed?
Friend 2: Yeah I'm straight, I'm just feelin soggy yk
Friend 3: Yeah yeah I feel u bruh

by IHCCP July 19, 2021


Refers to women who loves wet french fries and bread

Wow you so soggy

by The yobo December 22, 2021


How Bart says sorry.

Homer: Hey, my Duff beer!
Bart: Soggy sir!

by MakeBritianGreat2021 November 8, 2021


What my fairly aussie dad calls snags sometimes

"Wudja like a couple soggies?"
"Can you stop calling them that please?"

by Ryb015 January 23, 2019


those who act like a** holes and are acting fishy!!!

omg, Jake was acting so soggy today!

by soggy individual February 28, 2019


Chessy, over-the-top, phony, it can be funny, annoying or just over-the-top romantic and it can be even worse if someone does something soggy

Ex: This fanfiction I just read is very soggy!

by Coaca January 25, 2021


To get intoxicated to the point where you can still keep a pleasant conversation with someone but are still pretty drunk.

"Yo Ben, are we getting soggy tonight?"
"yeah bud, we're getting super sogs"

by saskatooon July 5, 2015