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To refer to another animal of any species

get back yaself

variation - get back ya'bad'self

by Daniel Roper September 9, 2004

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piss yaself

A highly intellectual phase used to suggest that an annoying person should fuck off

Excuse me mate I'm talking to this lovely lady ! If it's not to much trouble could you please go forth and piss yaself somewhere other than here

by Power of Griggstain March 17, 2017

fuck yaself

How Bostonians say Go Fuck Yourself, as seen in The Departed.

Guy from New York City: I like the Yankees.
Guy from Boston: Fuck yaself.

by Jordan Stevens May 17, 2007

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Go fuck Yaself

How people from Boston say "Go fuck yourself".

Guy 1: Hey Nickyhow about settin me up with that cute little sister of yours?

Nicky: Hey, how bout you go fuck yaself.

by Mr. Swagger January 26, 2011

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go fuck yaself

Utility phrase or comeback that can be used in almost any situation. Works well when inserted randomly into an everyday conversation.

Bob: So I was talking to Charlie, and he said you were a big fag...
Chris: Well I was talking to you mom and she said go fuck yaself!

by matmning April 29, 2009

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Go Fuck Yaself!

1)one of the catchphrases of Anthony Williams. somethimes used in conjunction with "ya-ya-yo"2)leave me and go inflict intercourse to your self

Go Fuck Yaself!

by Rodrigo Huffelpuff August 4, 2010

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