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Fluffy Bunny

A person who appears innocent, cute, completely without the ability to do harm. This "fluffy bunny" is actually capable of extreme carnage and evilness if provoked. Derived from Monty Pythons Holy Grail see Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.

"He cheated on his fluffy bunny girlfriend, and she took a baseball bat to his truck and his head when she found out. He is still in a coma."

by seeker007 May 2, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Easter Bunny

An exceptionally large lagomorph that died for our sins (or was that wordJesus/word?) and, during the month of April, delivers delectable candy treats to all the good little Gentile boys and girls of the world.

On Easterโ€™s Eve, the Easter Bunny arises from his tomb to spread good tidings and tooth-rotting chocolate Christ statuettes to all.

by Dolphin_X April 18, 2003

6971๐Ÿ‘ 7888๐Ÿ‘Ž

bad bunny

the most amazing latino artist to exist. he is so handsome and makes the best music in the world.

selena: did u see bad bunny dropped a new album?
karen: yea i know!! its amazing!!

by bigbootysex December 17, 2022

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bleacher Bunny

The whore who chases after the athletes at school, despite the knowledge that they sleep around everywhere and will give her a nice columbian surprise and a broken heart.

"Damn that bitch is a bleacher bunny, she has had sex with the entire basketball team."

by Melissa Miller October 24, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

gutter bunny

Insulting term used by hardcore mountain bikers to describe people who bicycle around a city merely for fun.

"He's out racing up and down a track every weekend; she's basically a gutter bunny who likes to rent a bike and watch the sunset on the beach, but whatever, they make it work."

by FilmTurtle January 28, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

snuffle bunny

A soft, cuddily white bunny rabbit. Also, a feeling of warmth and security.

A person might say "ooh.. I feel like a snuffle bunny."

A person might simply say "snuffle bunnies" to describe the way they are feeling.

by Raylynn September 2, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buckle Bunny

Derived from or also known as Concho Whore a groupie or slutty female drawn and attracted to Cowboys. Often hopping or being passed around Cowboy "circles" like shes a joint from one to the next. Most generally dressed in a spaqhetti strap or low cut top alot of times also rising or cut off above her belly button, cowboy boots , shiny sparkling concho belt, short shorts or short skirt , very cheap badly shaped straw Cowboy hat or quiet possibly the hat of which belongs to the Cowboy shes currently sleeping with.

The Black Hat Cowboys or HatTrick Cowboys usually have a house full of Buckle Bunnys & Concho whores at the HatTrick Ranch ( those of which known as the HatTrick Whores

by Rockin'G610 May 27, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž