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dark hole

when two people put their butt cheeks together and poop into eachothers buttholes.

hey jon i dark hole that girl this week end it was great. then jon looks at him with a weird look.

by doctor gamalinda February 23, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

ram hole

small opening between a female's legs. sometimes can be hard to find/gain access to. to make sure you're at the right place, multiple drinks can be of assistance. also, recent receipt of moronically materialistic items like jewelry, automobiles, or designer clothing will open the ram hole wide open.

not to be confused with the butt hole. if you find yourself here, you may be the one recently having consumed multiple drinks. you also may be the one who recently received jewelry, cars or clothing. this may be compounded by the fact that you might not be with a woman at all. if this is the case, stop all activity and go to bed.

hey dudes, i was out partying last night and got this stupid bitch super loaded. next thing i know i was at her ram hole.

that was no ram hole.


that wasn't a chick.

fuck. i'm going back to bed.

by stu in the zoo April 18, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


another use for bung-hole is in beavis and butthead

"my bung-hole will eat , you shall prepare a feast for the almighty bujng-hole"
"i need t.p for my bung-hole"

by lukus_mucus October 27, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick hole

the hole in a man's underwear normally used as an escape hatch or breathing portal for his little buddy, mr. dickster

Rosie O'Donnel has a dick hole in her panties.

by drpoonandtheteenangels July 24, 2009

167๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Belly Hole

1. A large belly button.

2. A belly button taht has been stretches much too far.

3. When a Canadian is licking your belly button and bites your skin around it at least 5 inches in any direction,.

1. Wow, look at that guy's belly hole.

2. How on Earth did he get that Belly Hole?

3. JESUS! That Canadian just gave me a belly hole!!!

by SmallPoX753 July 11, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

thumbnail hole

A word used when there is a hole in a wall, usually in a video game, where the character/person must make it through a small hole that may seem rather hard to fit in. The image is then saved and uses as a thumbnail on YouTube videos.

YouTuber: That would make a great thumbnail hole!

by Kummalii October 12, 2021

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A person who is exceptionally obnoxious or high-and-mighty because they regularly use marijuana. Generally demonstrate a bragging nature both when using drugs and when not using drugs, when they feel they can brag about doing pot.

Ben is always talking about his adventures when he's high. He's such a grass-hole.

Jim can be such a grass-hole when we light up together- he's always so macho.

by greenknight04 January 3, 2010

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