Source Code

Star Wars

A dead franchise.

Star Wars is dead Disney killed it.

by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh July 8, 2022

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UrbanDictionary War

Insulting each other with random words found on urban dictionary.

Zac: "katie just went for a beef walk"
Katie: "you are a fajero"
Hannah: "guys, stop having an urbandictionary war"

by hanzacate June 16, 2011

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munchkin war

the act of pellting dunkin donut munchkins at one another.

"dude i got mad welts from munchkin war last night"- Tommy

"dont throw the powdered... so Ill throw a glazed"

by roadkill + donz September 2, 2008

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sausage war

when a group of sausage warriors gather together to "fight"

how many sausage warriors are coming to the sausage war

that was a good sausage war last night

by theshadowgirth February 17, 2010

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phone wars

When a person calls a phone and then hangs up before the other person gets a chance to answer it. It's like the classic game of ding dong ditch, only with a phone. For an aggressive phone war, you can call and hang up quickly resulting in a half-ring, and you can do so multiple times in succession. You can also call phones for people who are absent just to aggravate people who sit nearby. This is especially amusing if the volume is cranked way up and you pretend that the phone is malfunctioning.

The bald guy got really ticked off and talked to our boss about the phone wars.

by Phone Warrior May 9, 2006

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war ready

Ready for action and or competition for the subject at hand.

When Mike asked Jonny if he was ready for the upcoming basketball game Johnny said, "I'm one hundred percent war ready!"

by LarryHart December 15, 2015

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on the war path

When somebody is upset and are looking to start a fight or conflict.

Dude 1- My co-worker is being very snappy and is irritable.
Dude 2- Why?
Dude 1- No idea.

Dude 2- They're on the war path today.

by Keaner81 October 26, 2017

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