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Pulling a Joey

When during a conversation, someone interjects with a comment that is off topic, and often nonsensical, or illogical.

Example of Joey pulling a Joey:

Zech: "You don't get your burger with mustard? Ew."
Jackson: "What do you mean mustard fucking sucks on burgers."
Joey: "Dude I think Owen and Trishelle are gonna hang up on me."

by jackson viveiros January 12, 2019

Pulling a Joey

To extend an invite to a group of friends only to back out of the plans yourself.

"Man he's really pulling a Joey with this whole guys night thing. At least everyone made it out."

by Rhomtein July 26, 2017

Pulling a Jake Pappas

Speaking random gibberish with the once and a while "among us"

amonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamonginamongin Pulling a Jake Pappas

by fortntieamongus November 18, 2021

Pulling a Meg

Leaving a woman for a man, specifically a white man

Rachel: I think I’m gonna break up with my girlfriend for Kevin
Sasha: oh so you’re pulling a Meg

by OriginalGodComplex January 25, 2021

Pulling A Saima

Manipulating the meaning of time, Running over time with everything.

He said he will be here in 10mins, its been 20...

His pulling a Saima on us.

by sssaaaimaaa August 23, 2023

Pull an Osmond

To go to the library regardless of necessity to study.

There's ISCF on Week 10 Thursday? I can't be bothered to go to Hornsby just for that so I'll just pull an Osmond.

by IncreaseVocabulary101 June 4, 2022

pulling a pete

Pulling a pete. Previously been known as "joining the bandwagon" and being in denial that you have, in fact, joined the bandwagon.

My neighbor the Lakers fan is "pulling a Pete" and acting like he is a die hard spurs fan because it is convenient at this time.

by theTRUEfan June 17, 2013