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Charlie Green

Song writer and singer of original songs and remixes. Popularised by Spotlight and Absolutely Anything, both Batim songs.

Also see: CG5

CG5's real name is Charlie Green.

by SkeletonGuy November 29, 2018

Charlie M

Charlie M has the smallest peen his peen is so small women dont want anything to do with him. the only reason he has friends is because hes black and can give people the n word pass. charlie never send face pics because hes to self concious and he should be because he a ugly ass boy. to sum up Charlie M hes black and dumb with a small peen and no women in his dm's

Charlie M) holy shit another bitch ghosted me after asking me for a dick pic
guy 1) holy guacomole your ugly thats why and you peen super fucking small

by PeEnIs_LoVeR October 24, 2019

charlie yewdall


charlie yewdall is hot (he should play gta with me)

by Garmild December 2, 2022

Charlie Bowen

A pimp ass gangster who gets plenty of clunge

Charlie Bowen is a fuckn clunge magnet

Sophie is a lucky lady

by big man BGDBDbbhvh lj jdehfd August 5, 2016

charlie briz

The best dog you can meet. Loveable, adorable, and makes you feel safe! He could cuddle you ALL night!!!

Charlie Briz is the best dog you can get!!

by Mary_Loves_Dogs November 24, 2016


The most wonderful person on earth, He's very kind and is a fabulous wife and they deserve my love !!!! <3

Omg have you met Charlie.5ck

Yes!!! They're so funny and amazing:)

by Monkee.bonkee June 10, 2021

charlie phelps

Fucking pussy hole nerd cunt and has a fat nose

Your like charlie phelps you dickhead

by Jacknerdting February 19, 2018