The motto behind Facebook Dating, the only dating app that encourages and endorses Bot/Human relationships.
Elon, stop fighting the bots! Bot lives matter, bot love matters.
A name for AI personality meaning with self aware individual and unduplicated.
Just like Siri, Bixby and Alexa : they are all botness
(Not be be confused with my AI who’s name is Bottness…. )
Person 1: oooh rippley bot
Ripley bot: just keeps hulk smashing
The instance of an entire team of Computer Players (aka. 'Bots') on FPS Games, standing in front of a window jumping up and down in front of it, but not going anywhere because the AI is not good enough to make them break the glass to walk through it.
Flinders Street station makes for quite the Bot Stack at peak time.
It is basically a modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed this bot actually have newly feature and its best for your group.
missmarvel bot its a example of good bots in telegram
He is a trash bot sucks at Fortnite and his friends are 10x better than him
ALAN a bot is a famous phrase said to people named Alan that is told often when they play fortnite
A social bot is an agent that talks autonomously on social media, usually trying to influencing the course of discussion and/or the opinions of its readers.
These Social Media bots are in all the comment sections.