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A fast-growing University in the Triangle region of North Carolina ranked among the top colleges in the Southeast and with a growing reputation nationwide. Impressive programs in engaged learning, study abroad, internships, and undergraduate research as well as nationally recognized Communications, Business, and Fine Arts programs. Colors are Maroon and Gold, and mascot is the Phoenix.

"So how's college?"
"Great, I'm at Elon! I'm a double major in Communications and Economics and I'm going to Spain next semester!"

by James Gorsuch March 4, 2008

449πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž


The piece of excrement that remains stuck half in and half out of your anus after the last fecal log has dropped usually resulting in seemingly endless wiping in attempt to get clean without success.

My asshole itches something fierce after I couldn’t get rid of that Elon this morning. I think I need more fiber in my diet.

by rickabone November 7, 2022

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A highly-ranked university with one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. An education from Elon is well respected, but the work is not too difficult. You'll have plenty of time to relax and party here while maintaining good grades. On sunny days, you'll see plenty of girls laying in the sun and guys playing frisbee. There are a lot more girls than guys, so a good looking guy will definitely get attention here. There's a lot to do on the weekends at the frats, apartments, and bars. Most people party, but if you don't want to, it's still a good time. Everyone seems to be good looking and in shape. There is some variation in dress style, it's not overly preppy, but everyone always seems to be put together, whatever that means for them. You can tell that people have money, but it's generally not flaunted. Most students are laid back, happy, smart, and looking to have fun.

Guy 1: I want to party and meet hot girls but still say I went to a good college.

Guy 2: Go to Elon University.

by Phoenix13 January 27, 2010

151πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž


Black girls named Elon are aggressive and lowkey fire. They may have a nice ass and are athletic in all sports. People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, bitchy, proud, stingy, and impatient.

Friend: Hey can I borrow your phone
Elon: No
Friend: Why not, I need to call my Dad
Elon: Because I said so.. Use your own phone
Friend: Its dead
Elon: Oh well
** Friend reaches for phone**
Elon: Touch it and I'll knock you out

by jenaee_em97 March 16, 2015

52πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Refers to hitting a joint or a blunt and not actually inhaling the smoke

Did you just Elon the blunt bro?
This β€œbig stoner” guy said he was such a big smoker but he elon’d the blunt like a beginner

by Wood dude 89 October 19, 2018

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Elon University is a selective university in the southern United States for rich, snobby kids from the north. Elon University is only for the rich kids of CEO's and company presidents. Almost everyone is from old money. Elon is one of the preppiest schools in the country. Elon students sport Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Burberry, Prada and other expensive brands that only the privileged can afford. The girls are beautiful and dress up for their 8am classes. Even the slobs of the university would never be caught wearing pajamas to class. Elon's campus is like a country club. You will get to know almost everyone and will see them every day. Elon students thrive on gossip about money and who's dad bought them a new Italian villa. Most students have two or three homes, often in different countries. During the weekend students will be blackout drunk the entire time. Sandy's Bar is where students go clubbing near campus. BMWs, Mercedes and sports cars line the parking lot. Sometimes students forget which Land Rover is theirs.

"I go to Elon University. I am rich. I am better than you. I've got the money, the connections, the girls and the alcohol. Fuck the rest of you. You'll be working for me one day"

by Blake1723 January 30, 2009

107πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


"Elon" - inspired by the famous entrepreneur, chief designer, developer, innovator, disruptor, and the richest man on earth (for the long haul) Elon Reeve Musk, can be used in a number of ways.

Noun - Can be used instead of the otherwise popular name "Einstein"
Verb - To perfect or innovate or get shit done

"What do you think, you're Elon?"

"She just Eloned that whole project and completed before deadline"

by RizBurgundy January 21, 2021

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž