When someone does, say, or simply is incredibly stupid that even dumbass can't describe their stupidity
"dude, Jake tries to push open a door when it literally has a sign which says pull"
"bruh what a fucking dumbass"
MØNSTER-_-ADD!3T#8574 is a fucking dumbass.
NFD or Non-Fungible Dumbass is a person who buys NFTs thinking they will uphold their value or will increase in value.
Person 1: Hey check out this NFT I bought!
Person 2: How much was it?
Person 1: $15,000 why?
Person 2: Do you really think it will uphold a value of 15,000 dollars?
Person 1: Yes!
Person 2: You NFD (Non-Fungible Dumbass).
A person with less intelegance then others also called "Fucking dumbass" doing the act of sex also called "Fucking"
Alex: Yoo my G I actually lost my virginity!
Max: So you were a fucking dumbass fucking?
A smol bud in Philza Minecrafts discord server. Known for there lore and being funny. They are a non beany bi friend of Da Birbs and are amazing.
Look there its Professor Dumbass
It’s Another way to adress people in Baltimore
Aye dummy fuck it is stupid Dumbass
Some dumbass in jail said I was going to get 20 years yet they released me...
Some dumbass said I was a