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Finger Fumble

When a guy is fingering a girl and he is so bad at it that he slips it in to hard and fast or Pushes to hard it becomes painful and uncomfortable for the female so much so she actually has to have him stop! A girl only has to have this happen once to never let him try that again!

Amy: So how was your night with Benny?

Vicky: Not so great he had a bit of a Finger Fumble..

Amy: Wow guess that was a short lived relationship!

by Forevr Fun 'N" Faithful August 30, 2009

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Chunder Fingers

When one man Tactical chunders then pleasures his girl with the same fingers

"I got so drunk last night, I had chunder fingers in me"

by Dr. Jones and Doctor Johnson March 4, 2010

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Poop finger

When one human puts their finger into the anal cavity of another human and pulls it out, resulting in deposition of fecal matter onto the phalanges.

Bro, I was fingering my girls ass and she gave me really bad poop finger.

Oh no man, what did you do?

I had to lick it off like a popsicle.

by Butthole penis July 26, 2019

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finger doodle

To play with one's twat.

Last night, we wanted some afternoon delight, but only ended up with some finger doodle.

by Missy Levesque October 20, 2007

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sleight of finger

the art of smelling a girls pussy before going down on her, without her knowing it.

after she failed the sleight of finger test,i made a hasty exit out the bathroom window.

by snatchtrapp September 1, 2008

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finger hoe

A girl who has decided to "save herself for marriage" but will let anyone who they have just met finger them because it technically isn't sex. They're also fond of giving handjobs.

Alex is such a finger hoe, she refuses to go forward in our relationship.

by Bfer July 15, 2011

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happy fingers

A description of the random pressing of letters excitedly when using instant messenger or chatting. Antonym of Angry fingers.

a_special_knome: OMG!! i so just won us tix to da WRPDtr!!
an_idiotic_haxor: OMG NOFKNGWAY!!! asfjklaj kjakfaskldhfkjhagkjjfdjkdl!!!
a_special_knome: gahhh!! happy fingers!! lkahsdfkahkjghakkafdahkjhkfajhakjh!!!!!

by MandyM*** June 15, 2006

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