Source Code


This refers to bringing your wife home food after you have been to the pub. The end goal being your wife is not mad at you for being in the pub and you will get sexual favours for the good deed.

Friend 1: Was your wife made you were out with me and the guys last night.

Friend 2: Nah it was fine I just pulled a Two-In-One and everything went well for in the end.

by Guilfoyle May 1, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zero two

Absolute cringe. Something i never wish to see again.

If you call someone zero two, you're just insulting them.

by OlegOleOle June 14, 2020

36๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

two time

minumim times you look at a police officer when seeing them on the streets , passing in traffic , or any other situation pertaining to police being involved

whys the one time make me look two times?

by Zachary kush August 1, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

two way

A phone call

I'll two way ya' tomorrow

by Jebus May 11, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


what you get when you multiply six by seven

what you get when you multiply six times seven

by zmantis November 25, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

two for one

three people are needed for this to happen. In a threesome when two men and a woman are having sex, one man gives the woman anal while, at the same time, the other gives her vaginal.

John and I got a two for one last night.

by Brandino December 4, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Two Fingers

Something that Spike Lee believes is a cool way to say "Peace Out". Spike even thinks he's too awesome for "Deuces". So he tries to push this as legit slang when, in fact, Spike Lee has ALWAYS been a dork and should just stop it. He was lucky enough to attach himself to Michael Jordan and Public Enemy early on and caught their excess swag (stop saying "swag"). Plus, black dudes can't be dorks (false).
The truth is you should never say "Two fingers" unless you're ordering fucking scotch.

Person 1: Aight, yo. I'm out of here.
Person 2: Word. Two Fingers! :)
Person 1: (Shoots Person 2 in the face)

by Free Brain Surgery March 18, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž