We are having the boys over tonight for some wheat water and football.
A person who has a severe love interest to DerpXndy and Snowy
Person: I am going to have a talk with Water Puppies about his serious relationship with Derp.
Water going in the opposite direction of where you would like it to be
When you make a delivery to the toilet with your poop that has popcorn mashed inside of said poop.
I ate three bags of Orville Red and Backers last night. Not my finest moment, but made some lovely water popcorn in the toilet this morning.
A man of dark skin that is so far below the poverty line they use dirty puddle water to wash a stolen bike.
"This nigga was washing his bike of of a fucking puddle,"
"Man that's some real puddle water shit"
A seal that apparently looks like a cat in water... nice work
Oh shit, look, there's a Water Cat!
The act of dropping your ass into the toilet water before shitting. Causing a no splash back situation and often very quiet.
Michael had his girlfriend round but needed to shit. He decided a water birth would be the most quiet and effective option as he didn't want to put her off with the usual bowl splattering sound.