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Male equivalent of a Karen. A man who is never satisfied with the service at sny establishment, and who frequently demands to speak to the manager in hopes of getting a freebie if he just complains loud enough. Often behaves this way in front of his date in order to look like a tough, strong man, but generally succeeds only in looking like a complete wanker.

"Sorry to bug you boss, but we have a MAJOR man-Karen at register 6."

by XenonSmash April 25, 2020

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Probably that one girl with the sassy attitude and those shades, purse, and bob haircut but works at subway

Bethany: hey Mike have you heard of Karen?
Mike: ya she talked smack about me
Bethany: well i just saw her at subway working there
Mike: really! Hope she doesn’t get payed much!

by SadShaggyTimes February 8, 2019

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She took the kidz man, SHE TOOK THE KIDZ

I regret cheating Karen please come back

by T-duh February 6, 2019

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Your friends bratty mom who think she’s knows everything but doesn’t

Person 1: you’re such a Karen

by KarenIsDaGOAT November 1, 2019

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karen's husband

Jeff or Steve, joins his obnoxious wife Karen in demanding to see a manager over the slightest perceived imperfection in service. Wears his socks pulled up with New Balance shoes (don't confuse him with your regular dad-type), drives a Hummer or oversized vehicle and takes up several parking spots every time. Will scream at you if you step on his lawn and won't tip if he thinks you're gay.

Karen's husband: Noun, verb
Manager to server: That Jeff wants you fired for bringing coffee that wasn't hot enough, even though it was fresh out of the carafe.

by MotherOfLesbians June 1, 2020

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Karen Syndrome

A genetic disorder where every single family member is raised by a Karen, and is a Karen.

Friend: His mom is a Karen.

Me: All his family are. It's just Karen Syndrome.

by Your Gays May 23, 2020

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nigga karen

Middle aged woman, black, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected.

Nigga Karen sues the local city council after they installed a new STOP sign that hides the sun from her window for two minutes a day. The sign was installed after a school boy on his bicycle was hit by a speeding driver and died.

Nigga Karen refuses to wear a face mask for her 5 minute trip to the supermarket during a pandemic. She harasses the workers, asks to see the manager and threatens to sue.

Nigga Karen complains that her favorite parking spot was replaced by a ramp for wheel chairs. She parks her car in the old spot anyway and shoots a vlog about it.

by bonkitybonk May 15, 2021

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