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Steamy slip n slide

When someone diarrhea's on their partners back and then they jump and slide along their back.

Hey babe do you fancy a dirty steamy slip n slide

by November 21, 2021

The Old Slip

When a guy, while doing his girl doggy-style, spits on his fingers and rubs her asshole to lube it up, then whispers in her ear, "I Love You!", and jams his dick in her ass.

"Hey man, Mary sure is walking funny today."

"That's cause last night was our anniversary. She gave me a new watch, and I gave her The Old Slip!"

by Custard Butter February 22, 2010

full slip

Much like getting slipped, a full slip happens when the subject gets pants'd, but the underwear/undergarments come with. Thus revealing the exposed, nude, lower half of the body. (Penis, vagina, etc.).......

Shit!.... Brian just got a full slip....

Damn Charisse! ;)

Dude, I just missed a full slip but the edge of my fingertips man!....... SHIT Darren! I just survived a full slip attempt and then you come back for the rebound? Piss off! I just got full slipped...

by Ask Steve April 3, 2015

Nerdian slip

Accidently calling an actor his characters name when first meeting them.

I had a nerdian slip today when I met Summer Glau for the first time.

"Hello River I mean Miss Glau"

by Bloodshine35303 September 30, 2015

slip slop slap

Having sex with a morbidly obese woman.

Last night I was at the pub and I hooked up with this fat chick and took her home and gave her the slip slop slap treatment.

by AussieKent July 24, 2014

iPhreudian Slip

When your iPhone's auto-correct replaces the word that you wanted to insert in a text message box with what you were actually unconsciously thinking of.

Bob: I wanna poke you with all my dick.

Bob's GF: Whaaaaaat???!!

Bob: Ughh, stupid auto-correct. Meant to say "I wanna love you with all my heart"!

Bob's GF: iPhreudian Slip? ;)

by Big Daddy RR August 9, 2013

slip shy

Almost sneaky
On the spectrum of sneakiness

She was kind of slip shy about giving all of the ingredients to the recipe

Don’t be so slip shy about it ; give me all the information

by Tersuz November 29, 2020