a roxy-moon is a kpop obsessed freak who only has 1 friend.
it usually means that a roxy-moon is a weird person.
you're such a roxy-moon today!
This is a euphemism for anal fingering. Or anal probing with ones phalanges.
Last night after some heaving petting, we decided to move on to poke the moon instead, this was considerably more pleasurable.
a discord event where niggas in vc pull down their pants and show their ass.
i luv moon night
When you are so drunk while fighting that you feel as if you are spinning, often while breathing similar to an astronaught
Around midnight two guys were having a moon fight until one of them was taken to the hospital
Classy shit coin that will make you zillions of dollars.
I'm retiring at 22 because I invested in Turtlehead Moon.
A baldheaded, slick back, no edges having, stomach hanging to her knees, flat foot size 12 shoe wearing, sleeping on your old mattress, think someone wants her man, jealous ass female
Having sex under the light of the moon. (Especially in the woods and in a standing sex position).
John Doe and Jane were Moon boning behind the tree in the backyard last night.