doing a dumb play (coco is dumb)
"my mans just burned himself, hes pulling a coco"
Pulling a Cal is to say you will do something or call someone in 'just a few minutes' but do not show up for the next 3 years.
"Wow she said she would call me last night but she totally was Pulling a Cal and never called."
Masturbate over your crush while she’s sleeping/unconcious.
John was pulling a Shinji last night. I think I’m in love with him.
Means many things such as
- Carrying the team
- Flawless execution of skill
- Never messing up
I just pulled an Andy and won the game.
I'm pulling an Andy and carrying the team since my teammate sucks
Good thing I'm pulling an Andy and winning the game instead of pulling a Michael and sucking.
A word a bunch of relentless faggots use.
" PULL UP 270." "270 UNWIPEABLE."
When the sarcastic friend in the group is done with your bullshit.
“Jordann is pulling a google translate on me.”
Imma pull a tim happens when someone you are talking to unadds you in every social media that they have with out saying why.
Person 1: I think imma pull a tim on her
Person 2: WHAT he pulled a tim on me !