King of the durry heads. If there is one thing he can do, it’s smoke a cigarette
Who does he think he is? Choof Dog?
an alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover.
Craig cracked open a beer, claiming it was just a "hair of the dog" to cure his pounding headache from last night's party.
When you are going down on someone and your beard is so long you get your own beard hair caught in your throat.
Last night I went down on her and hair of the dogged myself. I coughed up a giant hairball in the morning.
A euphemism referring to activities between male and female participants involving the exposure of one’s “dogs”.
Randal invited Gabby over to eat breakfast and see the dogs.
its when you put ur dick in a microwave and heat it up for 30 seconds
oh no that boy gave him self a warm dog
When you have an uncontrollable love of both food and sex to the point where you are left with no choice to combine your passions.
This leads to the logical choice of putting a hotdog up the anus of your chosen partner, but in the interest of not wanting to waste food, proceeding to eat said hotdog afterwards; at this point it has become a warm dog
I was so horny and hungry last night, as usual, so I decided to give Sarah a warm dog
A debate between who is better dogs or cats. to be honest no one is better in this debate its really depends what your needs are if you want a loyal and obedient pet then dog is for you if you prefer a low maintenance pet then a cat is for you or maybe your both either way both are cute and cuddly and deserve to have a loving owner :)
Cats vs Dogs:
P1:I love Cats :3
P2:Oh cool I love Dogs :)
P1:cool :3