When you hate your job so much that you pretend to take a poo when all your doing is playing on your phone.
Dalton doesn't like the job assigned to him today so he has been in the bathroom taking a faux poo.
Let me give you a scenario. You just came out of the pool and you're running to the toilet because you have the runs. Your swim pants are stuck to your legs and when you finally arrive at the toilet, you almost slip and fucking die from the water. You sit down and try to pull your shorts down to take that massive shit, but it's stuck to your legs because it's all wet, so you have to unstick it yourself. Then the toilet gets all wet, your ass is wet, and you're taking a shit all at the same time. The shit slides down into the toilet easily because your ass is wet, from the pool water. then when the shit stops you try to wipe your ass but since your cheeks are wet, the toilet paper glues to your asshole and it's just stuck there. you can't get it out, its just stuck. you try to use another paper to take it out, that one gets glued too. you give up and wipe the shit with your hands, then fall asleep on the toilet from the chaos that had ensued.
person1: I took a wet poo yesterday at tims pool party. I was afraid of going back to the pool!
person2: same
The risk gay pornstars take when not using tampons
Too much anal sex can ruin the anal muscles making you prone to leakage
"oops, just shat myself" "dude, that was ultimate poo riski"
when rushing into the public restroom in a mall, sports stadium etc to piss wicked bad, while pissing/pooing u notice ur shoelace is untied and dragging all over the floor, even stepping on it.
one does not tie a poo lace in fear of pee and fecal matter, one discards poo lace
You shit into your hand, then put it into a toilet.
1.There is a lot of crap around the toilet seat, i must manny poo!
2.I don't want diseases in my ass from that disgusting toilet, I think I have to manny poo or shit my pants!
When you fill an entire empty swimming pool with feces (preferably diarrhea, for its natural liquid like quality, although a few solid turns are nice for ensuring the pool stays shitty). Laxatives and milk of magnesia are useful for kicking the party off right. This is typically achieved by gathering 45 or so people (although this COULD be achieved with 36 people, butt with more difficulty). This is typically done for the purpose of a poo party. once it is filled guests are expected to cannon ball in and hold their breath in the "water" for as long as they can once submerged. Fucking in the waters of the swimming poo is not only welcomed, but encouraged.
Alright the swimming poo is browned and ready, last one in is a rotten egg!
this poo party is awesome, I'm glad we have such a nice swimming poo to kick back and relax in