The Collingwood Wave is how all Collingwood fans (And ALL Victorians in general Monday - Friday anyway) prefer to greet each other, whether that's sending an opening gesture, or receiving one.
The wave is performed by bending over infront of another, presenting your rear end, looking back and flapping your hand in a welcoming motion to the desired recipients to come and take you from behind whilst you look back at them over your shoulder with a smile.
Innocent observer: "Um what's that cunt in the magpies hat doing? Does he want to get bashed?"
Observers Victorian friend: "Oh that's the Collingwood Wave, we always try and present like that if we think we see someone we know, but just remember it's reserved for Collingwood fans on match days"
Second Wave Cramps is when you’re on your period, and you forget about your cramps for a while, and then they hit you like a brick out of the blue.
Me- No there’s not, I just checked!
A particularly preppy hairstyle worn by men with brown curly hair that resembles a small wave moving from the front hairline backwards to the rear, but most often seen with part on the left side.
"That hedge fund manager has mastered the Nantucket Wave and it looks great with his boat shoes."
An Ellipsis Sine Wave is a Sine Wave that is not fully connected; Ellipsis Sine Waves are also considered "Dotted Sine Waves" or "Dashed Sine Waves" they're like dotted lines except that it goes in a similar pattern as a sine wave. Real Ellipsis Sine Waves start large and then slowly decline exponentially slowing down. If you to the end of an infinitely large sine wave, at the end it would no longer be an Ellipsis Sine Wave.
In class, I drew an ellipsis sine wave so I wouldn't mistake it for the sine waves I had to solve for my homework.
The biggest opp of them all , the Biggest of big homies . Doesn’t need a g pass he’s past that ! @ him you’ll find him
Wave franko like to smoke , wave franko like to drink , wave franko like to mix his 7up make it pink
In online games (rec room, etc) waving a fist in the air means KOS (Kill On Sight) in PVP games.
Guy 1: *Waving Fist In Air*
Guy 2: Now i'm in kos
When your a chick you save wave incoming and it correlates to ur pussy being wet or ur pussy being wet because you get turned on
Walks past a hot guy or thinks about a hot guy
Wave incoming