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Balloon knot squeak

The ancient art of spreading one's butt cheeks apart and touching anus's.

My friend Bill is right into yoga and shit, I heard he gave jenn the balloon knot squeak. It's when you lay ass to ass, and touch anus's

by Canadian not a cannotadian January 3, 2022

Balloon-Tail Nipple

When the nipple you're currently sucking on is so saggy and lifeless, that it feels like you're sucking on the tail of a deflated balloon.

Redneck Billy : "Girl yo mama got some massive jugs. But why do you have a Balloon-Tail Nipple? Like bitch what are you adopted or something?"
His Cousin Sister : "Nah I'm just lactose-intolerant."

by Enlightening type beat! May 30, 2021

Balloon Time

Helium tank with balloons in it

Balloon Time is the best.

by SPrice1980 April 21, 2022

untangling balloons

Fallacio or oral sex.

"I was turned around untangling balloons out the back window."

by Untangled Balloons June 10, 2022

Balloon in the sky

When you receive a scholarship to learn to pilot hot air balloons in Seattle spend money on travel and lodging and find yourself driving the van watching balloons fly away. Left on the ground but there goes the balloon in the sky! Similar in meaning to pie in the sky! Buyer beware!

There goes my balloon in the sky, I’m still on the ground.

by Tron, I fight for the users! June 2, 2021

Philadelphia water balloon

Pissing in a butthole

It was a wild night. I gave her a Philadelphia water balloon... Now I need a new mattress.

by Donell Worthington December 27, 2019

Glue balloons

We should add it.

1. Testicles that stick to the side of the leg (such as in humid weather)

2. Testicles that “glue” you between two rooms because you slammed the door on them

I’m seeing stars, I’m losing air
Sound the alarm, Bring me a chair

I’m caught between two different rooms

That door just crushed my glue balloons

by Glue Balloons June 12, 2024

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