running really fast
probably comes from setting a record, or putting it in the books
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oldschool term, comes from the early 70s locking dance scene, good dancing or locking also means to leave a location, or to do something in a hurry
1, he was really booking thats why he won the dance contest.
2.After the show he had to book
3. he must have been in a hurry. he was booking around the corner
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either searching with a purpose or with no purpose at all on Facebook
I was booking hard last night and found the hottest chick and you're friends with her. Who is she?
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The act of leaving a book you have read in a random place for somebody else to discover.
Officially started by Joy V. (Kalamazoo, MI) in 2011, booking was an alternative to such trends as planking and cone-ing.
Related - booked, rebooked
I'm about to finish this awesome book. I plan on booking it at a restaurant this weekend.
5๐ 15๐
to chat with someone on facebook. To use facebook's chat.
I was booking him earlier today.
3๐ 29๐
The phrase that defines streamer xQcOW's slot machine gambling addiction.
-*Mindlessly has xQcOW's stream on 3rd monitor*
-"BOOK BOOK BOOK!" suddenly screams through your headphones as xQcOW sees a second book appear in the slots, just before he is inevitably disappointed when a third book doesn't appear.
-*Ears ring from the tinnitus you now have*
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