When a topless or nearly topless woman's breasts are slapping together, caused by a back and forth motion during vigorous activities, such as sex or jogging
Slow down baby, I got some serious boob knocking going on here.
A frequent visitor to the Boob (Eshay slang for Prison) tha displays a high level of confrontation and paranoia that embraces the prison social sysrems and criminaly based and dictated rules and regually applies them and even enforces them against the cival lawful standards of the outside world and a do anything to survive or win is the core beleif of a Boobhead
Theres a boob-head he'll be able to score.
There's a bunch of boob-head 's on the Ringwood platform.
A celebrity that shares similar size and shaped boobs as you.
"I was watching Bridgerton and Daphne is totally my Boob Twin"
Noun: Two/ or more chicks, jumping in the air excitedly and performing a high five with their chests.
Note - They must incorporate loud obnoxious cheerleader hoorays as they complete this action.
Kyle: "Omg dude, those chicks totally did a high-boob!"
John: "Man...them chicks are fine!"
(Stella and Lily win a tennis match together)
Stella: I can't believe we won!
Lily: Me neither! High-Boob!
When a girl is super attractive but really dumb, usually has big boobs, lots of make up and is very dimsighted.
Guy 1: "hey did you ever get with that girl?"
Guy 2: "no man, she has boobs for brains, I couldn't even have a normal conversation with her"
Guy 1: "that blows.."
1. Man with bigger than average chest for a man
Me: You have such manly boobs
Man: Oh yeah... I have manly boobs baby
"The Boob Hold" is something every girl does, it's a comfortable and natural way to relax, it is just a way a girl can feel her body and its kinda just a thing that we do randomly when relaxing, let's normalize it.
Boy: Bro wtf is "The Boob Hold"? Girl: Bitch a a boob hold every girl does it it's just a comfort thing you wouldn't get it