The crook in your wrist made when you flex your thumb. It allows for a secure place for crack-heads and whack ass bitches to do a line on the fly.
Ellee: Aye you want a line?
Richard: Yeah but I'm not doing one of your crusty butt cheeks, I just take it off the hobo shelf.
Someone who hoppes from an airbnb to another airbnb. Actually he/she is homeless and can’t confess it to himself/herself.
- Oh my god, do you know she moves every week to another house.
- Yeah, she is secret hobo.
When you have sex in public with a homeless person and leave them some change for them afterwards.
I just performed a hobo Johnson with that homeless man over there.
human feces where it shouldn't be, best example being on the sidewalk
while walking downtown i smelt a horrible smell and looked down just as i was stepping on a hobo nuggets. earlier that day i saw the woman who made it making this exact one right where i am standing. she made it with her bum obviously.
Alternative words or phrases used by content creators to avoid having their accounts deleted from big tech platforms. A form of self censorship.
Originally, signs or symbols left around towns or in the countryside by hobos to send messages or warnings to other hobos.
In order to avoid the censorship algorithm I had to speak in hobo code.
Alternative words or phrases used by content creators to avoid having their accounts deleted from big tech platforms. A form of self censorship. Originally, signs or symbols left around towns or in the countryside by hobos to send messages or warnings to other hobos.
In order to avoid the censorship algorithm I had to speak in hobo code.
Where hobos gather to have sex.
"I've seen finer bitches at a hobo brothel."
"This bathroom reminds me of a hobo brothel."