Rachel is one of the kindest people you could meet, she’s caring and kind and will do anything to make you smile, but if you piss her off she will turn into a crazy demon bitch and will pull your eyes out and eat your organs.
She’s so badass i wish i was a rachel.
Rachel... WHY! WHY would you main lux, I mean she is an alright champion ill give you that but HOW can you be so bad at her?!? You can hit all the q's and get all the picks you want but in the end, you are hard stuck bronze and Tiana's lux hits 10 q's every 1 q you hit. I don't understand very well how you can be so BAD, you even switched to Zoe and opened your champion pool, but you don't even help in team fights with her. It doesn't matter whether you can do damage or not, you still will just keep losing because mmm yes kills over objectives. It is not that hard to just win games and rank up, ESPECIALLY in BRONZE. I went on a 17 game win streak with a 87% win rate from silver 3 to gold 4 with a champion I JUST PICKED UP AND IN A ROLE I JUST LEARNED. Come on Rachel being a Katarina main isn't the only thing in my kit that makes me better than you. It could just be your femininity that makes you absolutely horrendous when it comes to league and a matter of fact ANY game you play, but you just don't seem to be getting any better whether it be skill shots or love making, I tend to be just a tad bit better at it, and by a tad I mean your power level is equivalent to that of a 2nd grader with Parkinson's. To end this little rant I want you to know that you actually are rich and that is the only thing good about you.
wow who is this person I am currently teamed up with on the game League of Legends. oh... its rachel... gg go next
Rachel is a somewhat uncaring individual. She will beg you to not take photos and avoid anyone with a phone. She will always aim for desserts at all time.
This is for Rachel, you big fat, white nasty, smelling fat bitch
Why you took me off the motherfuckin' schedule
With your trifflin' dirty white, racist ass, big fat bitch
Oompa Loompa body ass bitch
I'm comin' up there and I'm gon' beat the fuck out of you, bitch
This is for Rachel, you big fat, white nasty, smelling fat bitch