to dupe someone off the interwebs.
also see "dupe" or "pwnt"
usually used after someone is POTR or just Pwnt into silence.
"man that guy lagged out"
"thats teh royal dupage goin on"
"yeah man. buttsecks?"
"nah man, just teh royal dupe"
n. Any costly over-hyped event celebrating a doomed anachronistic institution.
Going to the park to watch the Canada Day celebrations? There’s going to be sensible safe fireworks and some mounted policemen pretending to spear Indians.
That royal jubilee! Not likely, eh.
The action of defecating on someone else’s closed toilet seat.
Not to be confused with an upper decker.
The party was a bust, so I left a royal steamer.
A girl who is really hot and all the boys want her aka the opposite of me
Royale..kiley is a talented roblox tiktok. She is super kind and underrated!
Royale..kiley wanna play roblox with me!
Getting drunk as fuck in the hills of Scranton
I'm so royally wasted that I'll be praying to the porcelain
A guy named Robin who plays clash royale 24/7. His name is also some thing very childish.
Did you see Robin Clash Royale?
No he is probably playing clash royale again!
He is so addicted!