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Bootiful family group chat

An amazing place where we bully each other but in a nice way and Eli and Cloud are our parents.
It has a lot of history and chaotic people but we somehow grt along.
You can only be on it if you are one of Eli’s kids or married to him.

Ali: “hey are you on the bootiful family group chat?”

Person: “no I’m-”

Ali: “ELI!”

Eli: “hello.”

Ali: “Eli, please kindly adopt this person.”

Eli: “alright. You’re my child now.”

Person: “oh- okay”

That person can now be on the bootiful family group chat. Hooray!

by Eldritch Fridge January 2, 2023

group taco

Group Taco is when one person bites on one end of a el pastor taco and the other person bites the opposite end to avoid sharing said taco.

Pass me the group taco.

by kvtee June 27, 2019