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People that do shit to get even for no reason instead of moving on.

Susan: You know that dude Xaiver?
Olympia: Oh yeah that nigga toxic as hell. Always tryna get even over small things.

by Hahamaya May 26, 2020


A person in your family who doesn’t work or provide any sort of positivity. They are always negative and no matter the situation can find a way to get in an argument about anything. They are often free loaders and have no self awareness.

I wish we could just have a good time but, she is so toxic

by ToxicSarah February 15, 2021


A person who is a jerk, Lies, fake friend, and enjoys being a asshole to people

Anyone names Amre or Mackenzie is a toxic bitch

by Thatkidwithtoxicfriends May 3, 2021


Toxic is where two people always argue and make up or u can’t live without that person no matter how much y’all go through

Ooo....I can’t stand u

*2 hours later* I miss u

This mf toxic

by Taeana July 27, 2020


Basically everyone that plays Your Bizarre Adventure on Roblox

Toxic Person: Ez Ez Ez Ez Ez Lol Bad Runner imagine 6 pistols lol twoh best stand

by AarChan May 17, 2021


Being stupid and dramatic

Dude stop, Ur being Toxic, a Brandon Ward

by lilcob05 December 12, 2021


Sydney Highschools Community. There is no other word in the English dictionary to describe what toxic means except for these three words. Toxic also means denoting and harmful. And SHC.

“Have you joined SHC yet?”
“No, it’s extremely toxic

by KUR0M1 November 4, 2021