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1. When your high off of marijuana.
2. High as a Kite
3. Panicking off weed
4. Stoned!

ex1: "I'm on Kite-Mode right now"

ex2: "You Trynna get Kite-Mode with me"

by JK the Rapper April 26, 2009

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pimp mode

When a man either:
1. macks some serious skanks
2. when a guy walks all over another one (either verbally or physically)

Dude, that g went pimp mode on that loser at the club.

by KHAAAAAAN! May 16, 2004

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Robot mode

A term used to describe the perpetual food-to-mouth motions of a person after they have smoked marijuana.

You were in robot mode for at least 10 minutes!

by Wadezilla April 23, 2006

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Tiger Mode

When your boyfriend (or girlfriend) gets "excited" and gets aggressive or rough when kissing.

Boy#1- Yeah my girlfriend totally went Tiger Mode last night while kissing me

Boy#2- Really?

Boy#1- Yeah, she gave me almost 4 hickeys!!

Boy#2- Sweet bro!

by Kiddo58 November 6, 2011

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Burger Mode

Hard to put into words but once you know, you know.

Prisoner 1: What are you in for?
Prisoner 2: Well I saw this fine ass 5th grader while smoking a huge ass blunt so I knocked her ass out , took her to the bathroom, and went burger mode all over her. Now I’m facing 45 to life

by Bigdaddy4477 March 22, 2019

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party mode

When your juul flashes pretty lights

Ayyy she’s in party mode!

by sidkw March 30, 2018

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Flight mode

A feature on many modern-day smartphones that disconnects from all networks. Originally intended for when boarding an aircraft but can also be used when you want to temporarily avoid someone by not letting him/her reach you via phone/text based means.

"Man! Sam's been bitching at me about last night. I just sent her a text telling her to f*ck off and went into flight mode.. I'll deal with her later when this hangover goes away!"

by Kuwlij_ October 26, 2011

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