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autistic youtuber

A YouTuber (Specifically minecraft youtubers) that scream when they die in a game.


by ImAHugeRetard March 2, 2017

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Minecraft YouTuber

The people that plague YouTube. They think they can make a cheap buck by posting a video with no effort at all. Most of them time, these scumbags turn out to be pedophiles or just sex offenders.

Guy: im a minecraft youtuber
Guy2: i seriously think you should commit suicide, or im gonna call the cops.

by Vinman7122 June 21, 2017

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Youtube Actor

A self obsessed person who feels that the entire world needs to see them on youtube and hear their opinions when as a matter of fact they make lame, uninteresting and fake videos which waste peoples time.

Dude 1: You seen that new vid on youtube of real ghost caught on camera, so funny.

Dude 2: nah it's not man, it's so badly done by those self obsessed youtube actors.

by yo gee blaaaa December 6, 2010

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YouTuber's remorse

The sense of utter disappointment after watching a video on YouTube that you believed or were led to believe was awesome.

That new PewdiePie video gave me YouTuber's remorse.

by IDontExist December 31, 2014

Youtube Moment

(1) Genuine Insult

(2) Highest form of praise

(3) The best kind of person

(4) Literally the worst person alive

(5) A word of no significance or meaning, much like the word 'literally'

(1) You had such a Youtube Moment, darren.

(2) You had such a Youtube Moment, Samantha!

(3) You're such a Youtube Moment, James!

(4) I hate you, you little Youtube Moment.

(5) I Youtube Moment don't understand this question at all.

by ejsafc January 25, 2023

YouTube and Chill

For them bitches who can't afford Netflix

Person 1: Hey you wanna YouTube and chill?
Person 2: You mean Netflix and chill?
Person 1: No, I mean YouTube and chill because I can't get Netflix.

by Mackenzie Ballister December 24, 2015

youtube freek10

Youtube freek10 is a small insignificant little s*** head with a tiny dick just to put his Tiny Dick In perspective in order for him to have protected sex he has to cut the pinky finger off of a extra small latex glove because he cannot fit into a condom YouTube free is also an annoying little Squeaker on Xbox that almost no one likes there's a squeaker there's a faget and then there's a YouTube freek

There's a tiny dick and then there's a youtube freek10 dick

by Ronin R6 November 11, 2018