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I'm calling the cops

What scum faced rat loosers mumble under their breath or to themselves when they don't get what they want.

A major major major tool in the bag of tricks that a character named "Double Standard" uses on perfectly innocent people.

(to ones self, not out loud)
Tony just bummed a ciggarette from me, "I'm calling the cops."

by Anthony Wheeler September 27, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


The fictional place where security guards go to learn the idiotic lingo and actions they must do to maintain a false sense of security.

Blart: "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to take your cigarette beyond the 15 foot perimeter of this entrance or I will be forced to physically subdue you in violation of Article 12 Section B Paragraph 5."
Shopper: "Hey Bub - did you learn all those multi-syllable words in rent-a-cop-academy?"

by Stevenstrangeways December 20, 2012

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Cop no go zone

A place that is so dangerous the police won't even go there.There are some places in Mexico that are so bad tthe police won't even go there.

Watch your back were in a cop no go zone.

by Deep blue 2012 January 22, 2010

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Cop my drop

Catch my vibe, catch my clothing aesthetic

Don't dress like you're going to funeral mahn, cop my drop !

by Aaronmitro August 19, 2021

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White cops are racist


Most cops are racist white cops are racist

by user282726373822 May 30, 2020

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Cop some tree

To pick up, buy or purchase marijuana.

Let's, burn it! But first I need to cop some tree

by Nikismiles August 19, 2017

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Cracker Jack cop

a cop who is so shit at there job they abuse there power and use the laws against good citizens.

your a cracker jack cop fuck.

by wizwiz May 21, 2021

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